TNAP Awards 2024
From enrichment centres to popular play destinations and milk formulas, we find out what makes these brands different from the rest.
Bring Out the Best in Your Child’s Natural Speaking Abilities With Stariffic
Find out how Stariffic's proprietary programme helps children hone their natural speaking abilities to become confident leaders.
The New Age Parents Awards 2020 Readers’ Choice Voting Winners
Congratulations to the following lucky winners of our The New Age Parents Awards 2020 Readers' Choice voting winners.
The New Age Parents Awards 2020 Readers’ Choice Winners
After months of nomination and voting, the parenting community has spoken and voted for the following brand as being the BEST in their respective categories.
The New Age Parents Editor’s Awards 2020
Congratulations on the following brands for being selected as The New Age Parents Editor's Choice. Stand to win prizes when you vote for your favourite brands! #tnapawards
The New Age Parents Awards 2020 Phase II: Cast Your Votes Now!
We are happy and excited to present The New Age Parents Awards 2020 Phase II! Get an extra chance at winning the prizes when you share this voting page. #tnapawards
Euky Bear: Natural Cough and Cold Remedies for the Little Ones
Euky Bear's quality natural cough and cold solutions are greatly beneficial in managing your child's cold symptoms and helping them get a better night's sleep.
Colief®: The Partner You Can Trust for Your Baby’s Comfort and Growth
Colief® is an established brand in the U.K offering baby care products including Colief® Infant Drops known as the most commonly prescribed treatment for colic.
Where Can I Find a Confinement Nanny in Singapore?
Having a professionally trained confinement nanny will ensure you have enough support for both you and your baby so you can focus on recovering well during confinement.
Alltentic: Most Effective and Comprehensive Post-Natal Jamu Massage
Alltentic Jamu Massage specialises in postnatal jamu massage, combining traditional massage techniques and jamu herbs to provide a holistic recovery for new mums.
Take Your First Leap Into the Water: Which School Can You Trust?
The Aquatics Swim School is a trusted swimming school in Singapore that offers a wide range of swimming programmes for students as young as 3 years old.