In this section of The New Age Parents, we will be featuring things, activities, events, places to visit in Singapore, government policies, even romantic restaurants in singapore. You are also welcome to contribute to us to make this a more informative and beneficial portal for our readers.
The Parent-Volunteer System: Here To Stay?
The Parent Volunteer scheme was started in 1998. Has it been helpful so far? What's the good and bad of this scheme?
National Library’s Book Pulping Incident
National Library Board recently banned three children's books after facing several complaints that the books were not 'pro-family'. What exactly is the definition of family? Or pro-family?
What Do Parents Think Of NLB’s Withdrawal Of Three Children’s Titles
The National Library Board’s withdrawal of three children’s titles has sparked debate. Should such books be freely available to children at a public library?
Allow Your Imagination To Take Flight – Wings Of Time
Complete a fabulous day at Sentosa than to catch a spectacular night show filled with lasers, fireworks and beautiful multimedia at Sentosa's Wings of Time!
Experience Snow In Singapore: Only At Snow City!
If your child wants a quick getaway from the sweltering and hot weather in Singapore, there’s only one place to go - Snow City!
Climb On! The Cliff At Snow City
The first of its kind vertigo climbing wall in Singapore, The Cliff is located just beside Snow City.
Inspiring Words From Fellow Singaporean Daddies
From dads, for dads. Need some advice and inspiration from other daddies? Here are some heartfelt tips from some local dads.
Wheel, Walk Or Jog: Mind Stretcher Ties Up With The Handicaps Welfare Association
Members of the public, volunteers and staff of Handicaps Welfare Association’s and Mind Stretcher wheeled, walked and jogged to raise funds for the physically challenged community.
16 Museums To Visit In Singapore
Want to find out more about Singapore's rich and diverse culture? Check out the museums featured here.
6 Best Cafes For Mummies To Catch Up (Without The Kids!)
Looking for a comfortable café to catch up with your friends, savouring the aroma of excellent coffee, lingering over decadent morsels of tart and cake? Here are 6 cafes to choose from.