Interview With CEO Of RAF Holdings, Kang Beng Hui: Teaching Kids About Money
When his boys were ten, Beng Hui stopped telling them how much they should be spending. Instead, he asked them to submit a budget of their monthly expenditure.
Ways To Teach Your Children The Spirit Of Giving
How can we encourage young children to form a habit of giving right up to adulthood? Here are tips and ideas on how to instill the spirit of giving.
Contact Lenses for Children: What Age Can They Start
Do children really need to wear contact lenses? Or is it better to stick to spectacles? An ophthalmologist answers these commonly asked questions.
How To Track My Child’s Learning Progress Without Exam Grades?
With exams removed for Primary One and Two children in 2019, what changes in learning, studying methods and creativity can parents expect in years to come?
Overcoming Leukemia: Reshvren’s Story
Two years ago, when Reshvren was just seven years old, his parents received the grim news that their beloved and only son was down with leukemia.
Interview With Foster Parent Madam Maimunah Bte Dolah
What's it like being a foster parent? We asked Mdm Maimunah why she decided to be a foster parent, and how it has impacted her life.
Interview with Career Mum & Max Factor Muse, Diana Ser
Diana Ser makes it look easy while raising the next generation. We asked the newly appointed Max Factor Muse to share her story and insights on parenting.
Toxic Things You Might Be Doing To Your Children Without Realising
While we have the best intentions for our children, we may not always execute them in the best ways. We could ironically be doing something toxic to them.
Parenting Courses On SkillsFuture Singapore
From baby care to arts and crafts, we round up courses from SkillsFuture that might pique your interest. If you have not used your credits, it's time you should!
Common Rashes In Children And How To Manage Them
If you're noticing red spots creeping up on your child's skin, don't panic. Here's an expert advice on how to manage common childhood rashes.