Did you know? In Singapore, the median duration of marriage for divorces is 10.3 years?
Couples who were married for five to nine years accounted for the largest share (30.2 per cent) of all divorces in 2017. (Source: Channel News Asia)
When you’ve tried all means to save your unhappy marriage, but all seems to no avail, going separate ways could be the best solution for everyone.
Where do I go now? – I feel confused, what are my options? – How will child issues be handled? – How do I move my life forward from this point, what are my options? – Is there support available before and subsequent to filing for divorce?
Considering a divorce can be very confronting, and getting divorced will not be an easy process unless you and your spouse agree on all outstanding issues. Divorce is a life-changing and difficult life transition that will impact you and your loved ones.
There are situations when a divorce is a preferable solution to an unhappy, unhealthy marriage.
#1 Denial – When your spouse refuses to acknowledge that there is something wrong with the marriage, and refuses to seek help despite your repeated requests.
#2 Abuse – When you or your child/children are subjected to physical/verbal/sexual abuse and the cycle of violence continuously repeats itself. You can find out more about personal protection orders here.
#3 Constantly Arguing – When interactions between you and your spouse are negative and hurtful all the time, with little or no positive interactions.
#4 Different Values – When both of you have reached a point where your core values are so apart from each other’s, and both have come to a conclusion that there is no common ground.
#5 Marriage counselling fails – When you made efforts to fix the issues in your marriage, but with no improvement over time.
If you have made the decision to file for a divorce, it’s important for you to have considered your options very carefully.
Why Divorce Could Be Better Than Staying In A Bad Marriage
While marriage may give you a sense of security, divorce gives you a new lease on life.
If you’re a parent with young kids, being a single parent is better than modeling an unhealthy and hostile environment at home. Enduring a toxic relationship at home could leave a stronger negative impact on your children.
Divorce can allow you to focus on what’s truly important – you. You get a chance to re-find or find yourself again, and embrace all the unique traits that make you who you are.
Once the divorce process is over, you can devote your energy to other important areas of your life, or things you’ve always wanted to pursue or try. If you’re happier as a whole, chances are you’ll be a happier parent too.
What Next? Looking For A Reputable Singapore Divorce Coach
If you are considering divorce but not ready to hire a divorce lawyer yet, consider a divorce coach instead.
A divorce coach is someone who is a specially trained divorce professional. They serve as a mentor and will guide you with your decision-making, goal-setting, prior to or subsequent to filing for divorce.
If you hire a divorce coach who is also a practicing divorce lawyer in Singapore, you gain the advantage of having a legally-trained coach who can also help you with pre-legal advice.
A Divorce Coach will tailor-make a case plan, re-build your self-confidence and teach you valuable and vital communication methods so that you can communicate amicably with your spouse.
A Divorce Coach not only offers pre-legal advice but, is also your “thinking partner”. He or she gives you an objective view of your case, and journeys with you to find out what you truly want out of the divorce. Furthermore, having a neutral third-party highlights pitfalls which you may not see otherwise.
In return, you make better and informed choices for yourself and your loved ones with confidence, a clear direction and ease of mind.
You don’t have to walk alone on this path. You deserve a life of peace and happiness.
If you are thinking of Divorce but need guidance, speak to a Divorce Coach today.
Gloria James-Civetta, Head Lawyer, GJC Law
Gloria James is a CDC Certified Divorce Coach; acting as the missing link for clients who do not yet require a divorce lawyer but rather, require strong support from someone who would listen, support, and be there for him/her during the difficult journey that he/she had embarked upon, or was about to embark upon.
Gloria’s constant training as a Mediator and Collaborative Family Law Practitioner has helped her provide additional services to her divorcing clients by helping them to consider alternative routes over the costly litigation route.
Her strong working relationship with other Collaborative practitioners has led to a successful settlement for the majority of her clients.
Gloria is an appointed Child Representative and Parenting Coordinator Lawyer by the Family Justice Courts, representing children in high-conflict, contested family court proceedings.
Read more about Ms. Gloria James.
Gloria James-Civetta & Co offers a free 30-minute consultation with one of their lawyers, who will explain the divorce process and any other applications to meet your needs.
Call +65 6337 0469 or drop them an email at consult@gjclaw.com.sg.
This post is brought to you by GJC Law.
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