Learning and Behaviour
A Guide to Teaching Children Good Behavior
Children learn mainly through imitation. What they see in adults are viewed as good and that means adults should be very careful with their actions and words when dealing with children.
Helping Your Child Master Multiplication Tables
Math is a dreadful word for most learners, starting of with a good understanding of how the multiplication table works is a big help in developing your child’s interest in numbers.
Internet Safety Tips For Kids
According to a survey by Google, children in Singapore as young as eight are coming online to play, learn and socialise. How do you set internet safety for kids?
Teaching Your Child To Write Their Name
Being able to write his name would increase the child's level of self-esteem and his ability to identify his works would mean his readiness to seek bigger challenges.
8 Easy Ways to Help Children Appreciate Music
Music is the expression of the heart and the soul and has been associated with your children's positive growth and development.
Stop Child From Biting Other Children
There are many reasons that trigger the toddler’s biting behavior. If you are that worried mom of a biter, consider the following interventions.
8 Tips to Overcome Toddler Feeding Problems
Often parents' anxieties only make the toddler feeding problem worse. Therefore keeping your cool and making it a pleasant experience is important.
Teaching Your Child the Right Time to Talk
Whenever children speak up, we begin to imagine how good they could become in the future. But it is not always advisable that parents should allow speaking up all the time.
Raising Happy Kids
Happy parents are sources of happy kids. Show them how calm and optimistic you are when dealing with problems.
Building the Essential Characteristics in Your Child
If we teach our children the virtues they need to deal and interact accordingly, we are moulding their utmost potentials for success.