Haw Par Villa is a unique garden that is rich in educational value and grand in architecture.

haw par villa entrance

haw par villa singapore

Haw Par Villa Wall of Dragons

It is an undisputed wonderland of beautiful landscape and over a thousand sculptures that artistically portray stories and events based on famous Chinese historical personalities, mythology and legends.

haw par villa theme park

huge opera face mask at Haw Par Villa Singapore

statues in Haw Par Villa Singapore

ancient chinese stories in haw par villa theme park

haw par villa tiger car

Haw Par Villa Ten Courts of Hell

haw par villa ten courts of hell scary punishments

Of course, do not miss the Haw Par Villa Ten Courts of Hell located inside the park.

How to Get to Haw Par Villa Singapore

📍 262 Pasir Panjang Road Singapore 118628
🚌 10, 30, 30e, 51, 143, 188 and 200
🚇 Haw Par Villa MRT
⏰ 9am to 8pm daily (last entry 7.30pm)
🌐 hawparvilla.sg

Haw Par Villa Admission Fee

Entry to the park is FREE.

Haw Par Villa Opening Hours

The opening hours are from 9am to 8pm daily.

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