Thank you for participating in The New Age Parents and Huawei Valentine’s Day Surprise Contest.
Here are our 3 lucky winners who have won for their spouse a very special Valentine’s Day surprise!
Winner 1: Ng Chow Yong (Wife: Goh Sing Yee)
Prize: Huawei Ascend Mate 7 Phone ($749)
Dear Sing Yee,
Ode To My Love
When we were dating,
You told me, “I love you.”
I was delighted.
Oh yes, life is indeed lovely…
When I proposed,
You told me, “Yes, I do.”
I was on top-of-the-world.
Ahh… yes, life is indeed lovely.
When you were pregnant,
You told me, “Life is great.”
Diapers and toys coloured our family life.
Ohhh… yes! Life is indeed great!
When we were parents,
You told me, “Life is enriching.”
Responsibilities, duties captured my attention.
My oh my, life is indeed enriching.
All these years, our relationship has blossomed
I told you, “My life with you is a gift.”
Birthdays, anniversaries celebrate our lives.
My wife, oh my love, you are my gift.
Love, Chow Yong
Winner 2: Poh Liang Seng (Wife: Amelia Png)
Prize: Huawei MediaPad X1 LTE ($599)
Dear Amelia,
Thank you my dear wife, for your love and support when I switched to a new career and embarked on a path of self-employment. The last few years have not been easy as my income is no longer fixed, and dependent on my sales. But you have been very supportive throughout all these years. I know you have been thinking of getting a tablet for yourself.
So here’s one for you! I hope you like it.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Love, Liang Seng
Winner 3: Cecilia Chng Tian Lay (Husband: Melvin Ng)
Prize: Huawei Mobile Wifi Prime ($299)
Dear Melvin,
Thank you for going through thick and thin with me.
How you stood by me when I was going through my mid-career crisis, the death of my beloved daddy, and how we won the battle with cancer.
I am glad I made the right choice to spend the rest of my life with you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Love, Cecilia
As promised, we hand delivered the prizes to our winner’s spouse on 11 Feb 2015.
Watch the video to see how our winners reacted to this pleasant surprise.
Wishing all our readers, a Happy Valentine’s Day!