Being grateful is a beneficial virtue that moulds a humble child. The art of appreciating things would let your child see beyond his excellence, recognize good things and make up for those he lacks.

teaching children the art of gratitude

Thankful children have been proven to be very polite and bubbly as they find happiness in simple acts of kindness and satisfaction in little achievements. Studies have shown that grateful kids learn to see beyond their self and consider other people around them. Furthermore, they become innately optimistic and selfless adults.

Parents may find it difficult to teach children the value of gratitude but knowing how this virtue would help mould a good child, everything would come with ease. Here are some of the things you can do:

# Be appreciative. Thankful children are those that come from grateful parents. Tell your children how grateful you are for having them. Show them how you appreciate them as blessings and that taking care of these blessings would show your appreciation

# Mirror gratitude. When children see their parents grateful for what they have, they learn the same thing. Show your children how good your job is and that the world is not a sphere of misery because it was created with everything good.

# Never demand thanks. Being grateful is not forced. Let the child understand the positive effects of something done by others in order for him to appreciate it. If he realizes the good act in the end, gratitude would come voluntarily.

# Consider your child’s reasons for not being thankful. Irritability, hunger, and sleepiness would not bring out an appreciative attitude. Try to solve the problem as you deal correctly with the reasons causing it. When the child begins to be in a healthy and normal situation again, saying thank you would be very easy.

# Let your child participate in activities that will make him appreciated. The fulfilling feeling off being thanked for a little help would encourage the child to do more good things.

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# Encourage generosity. Tell children how other people in some parts of the world are less fortunate than they are. Encourage them to share their old toys and clothes and let them participate in the act of giving.

# Be a patient reminder. There will be instances when too much happiness for something would let your child forget to say thank you. If this is so, you can initiate the saying of thank you while not taking the situation against him. Getting mad for not being appreciative will sometimes instill those good things done should be compensated always. The act of giving is not expecting something in return.

Raising a thankful child is not tough. It takes some patience and modelling to induce from the child the desired positive behaviour of appreciation and the art of gratitude.

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