In this section of The New Age Parents, we will be featuring things, activities, events, places to visit in Singapore, government policies, even romantic restaurants in singapore. You are also welcome to contribute to us to make this a more informative and beneficial portal for our readers.
Things Only Singaporean Parents Would Understand
There are some things that only a true-blue Singaporean will understand. Likewise, there are also some things that only a Singaporean parent would understand.
10 Things You Probably Didn’t know About Minister Chan Chun Sing
Critics and the public have been watching Minister Chan very closely since he stepped into politics in 2011. Here are some trivia about the current Secretary-General of the NTUC.
3 Hard Questions For Chan Chun Sing
Meeting Minister Chan was an eye-opening experience. Though we didn't get the chance to ask him about his role as a father or his views on parenting, he gave us a lot to think about.
Public Nursing Room Now Available At Nee Soon East Community Club
Calling all parents staying in Yishun! Did you know that the upgraded Nee Soon East Community Club has many family-friendly features?
A Parent’s Top 10 Wishlist For National Day Rally 2015
Mums and dads work hard every day to contribute to the economy and raise their families and serve the society. Here's a parent wishlist for this year's National Day Rally.
10 Creative Ways To Teach Your Kids About Singapore
It's our Nation's Birthday! Here are some ideas you can do to introduce your child to our country's history without boring them to tears.
50 Years In Singapore
What was it like growing up in Singapore in the 70s and 80s? Take a walk down memory lane as we mark the things that make us Singaporeans.
50 Reasons Why We Love Singapore
Let us remember to be thankful for this island we call Home. Here are 50 reasons why we love our Little Red Dot!
50 Ideas To Do With Your Kids Around Singapore
Who says there's nothing to do in Singapore? Here are 50 ways you can have fun with your kids all year round.
Stories Of Singapore: Books For Your Kids
Here are a few children's book series you may find useful in helping your child understand more about Singapore, her leaders and the values that we hold dear.