Editorial Opportunities

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Editorial Opportunities


If you’re an expert in your field and interested in contributing content to The New Age Parents on a particular topic, drop us an email at mailbox@thenewageparents.com with the subject title: “Interest to Contribute Content”.


We’re on the constant look out for writers! Bonus points if you’re a parent and based in Singapore, but it’s not a must. Writing projects will require you to visit places and interview people. If you would like to write for us, pitch your ideas and send us your sample articles together with your resume to mailbox@thenewageparents.com with the subject title: “Freelance Writer”.


New Age Consulting Pte Ltd (NAC) interns are responsible for supporting the editorial and staff in order to ensure the development of high-quality digital content for The New Age Parents and New Age Pregnancy.

In addition, interns are encouraged to develop projects of their own under the guidance of NAC staff. Interns generally work 3-5 days per week for a term of three months. This internship is paid.

Intern Responsibilities:

  • Research on upcoming related events in Singapore and parenting topics
  • Write on-trend, lively parenting stories with relevant information for parents and parents-to-be
  • Assist in managing TNAP And NAP social media platforms and campaigns
  • Assist in maintaining and updating The New Age Parents (TNAP) or New Age Pregnancy (NAP) website
  • Assist in face-to-face or email interviews and events coverage
  • Maintain and update The New Age Parents magazine online archive
  • Assist with any NAC events and development efforts
  • Participate in any staff editorial meetings
  • Any other matters

NAC accepts applications for its editorial internship on a rolling basis. To apply, please send a cover letter that specifies any early childhood or writing background, a résumé and two writing samples (not more than 700 words) to mailbox@thenewageparents.com with the subject title: “Editorial Internship”.