The famous terrible twos stage beckons! Whether it is true for your child, fret not. From temper tantrums to weaning off breastmilk to most commonly asked question ‘When will they learn how their ABCs?’, discover more about baby as they progress from infancy to toddler in this section.
Understanding Nightmares And Night Terrors In Toddlers And Children
Parents are often concerned about their children having nightmares or sleeping restlessly. Night terrors, dreams, or sleep waking are quite different...
Thumb Versus Pacifier: Which Is Better For Your Baby?
Sucking is a natural instinct and behaviour for infants. They do it to be nourished and fed. According to experts, this behaviour gives the following benefits and setbacks.
Help! My Toddler Isn’t Listening!
"Did you hear me? Didn’t I just ask you to turn off the television and start cleaning your room? Are you listening?" Does this scenario sound all too familiar?
Lactose Intolerance In Babies
Although it is very uncommon in toddlers, there is a small percentage of babies who are unable to digest lactose. The symptoms are similar to an adult's symptoms.
JD Bug Training Bike
The JD Bug Training Bike is an ergonomically-designed training bike that comes with an attachable gearbox to allow the child to pedal.
Helping Your Child Cope With His/Her Pet’s Death
A child’s ability to understand the death of a pet depends on their cognitive & emotional development. Some points to note when dealing with children whose pets have succumbed to the hands of death
HFMD, Go Away! (Prevention and Care)
The Ministry of Health reported that while it is natural for Singapore to have periodic outbreaks of HFMD, early vigilance and action can help keep children safe from the disease.
Head Injuries In Children
It is almost impossible to prevent children from ever being injured due to their constant activity. Fortunately most childhood falls or blows to the head result in injury to the scalp only.
Potty Training For Kids
Childrearing is highlighted by many milestones. One of such milestones is to be able to go to the toilet independently. Here are some tactics to flush those toileting blues away...
Dealing With Stuttering In Children
Children might repeat a word many times or speak in a way which prolong word sounds or syllables. This kind of speech pattern is known as stuttering. Here are some ways which parents can help