The famous terrible twos stage beckons! Whether it is true for your child, fret not. From temper tantrums to weaning off breastmilk to most commonly asked question ‘When will they learn how their ABCs?’, discover more about baby as they progress from infancy to toddler in this section.
Taking Public Transport With Your Toddler
Taking a toddler on the bus or MRT, however, can be a daunting task! This is especially so if you are traveling alone. Here are some tips to make those trips to town more manageable.
What is Diabetes Mellitus And Pre-Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disorder of blood sugar (glucose) regulation and utilization resulting in chronically raised sugar levels in the blood. Dr Vera Oh from SBCC Baby and Child Clinic tells us more.
Your Bookworm Baby: 5 Easy Ways To Start Forming Good Literacy Habits
Good literacy habits go a long way. Reading aloud to the little ones early teaches a child about communication as well as introduces concepts such as stories, numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way to them.
Choosing The Right School For Children With Special Needs
There are many substantial support and critics by parents and even educators about the proper placement for children with special needs. While these views are important, which one will make the most sense for your child?
The Meaning Of Love In A Child’s Eyes
What does ‘Love’ mean to children? A group of professionals posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean? Here are some of their replies.
Common Misconceptions Of Children with Special Needs
How much do you know about children with special needs? Is it true that all children with special needs have low intelligence? We list out three common misconceptions about children with special needs.
My Girls Has Fever Every Two Months
My 7-month-old girl is having fever on about bi-monthly basis. Is this normal? What can I do to boost her immunity? Dr Liew Woei Kang from SBCC shares his advice.
Should My Child Learn More Than 2 Languages?
Research shows that children before the age of 5 are all linguists who are able to handle more than one language at a time. So is it advisable for my child to learn more than 2 languages?
What Is Baby-led Weaning
Weaning a baby onto food is an exciting time in both child and parent. But depending on who you ask, you are likely to get various recommendations for how to introduce real food to your little one.
My Child Snores: Should I Be Worried?
Snoring is the sound caused by vibration of soft tissues of the airway as a result of turbulent airflow due to increased airway resistance or obstruction.