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DIY: How To Make Your Own Plant Terrarium
Want to introduce plants to your kids? Making a plant terrarium is a fun and easy DIY gardening activity you can do with your kids.
Why Saying ‘Be Careful’ May Do More Harm Than Good
The irony is that limiting our children's exposure to risk and constantly trying to keep them safe from falling can impede their physical development.
Why I Want My Kids To Get Dirty
When children play, they get dirty and messy. It is part of their learning process. I always tell parents, "We should worry only about the dirt we can't see."
Stimulate Your Child’s Brain With These Easy-To-Do Exercises
Exercise can reduce stress as it releases ‘feel-good’ hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. Otherwise, it can impair a child’s brain development.
8 Games to Turn Your Kid Into a Creative Thinker
It's hard to make coding or engineering fun, but these games manage to do so! Develop your child's creative and design thinking skills with these fun games.
The Place To Visit This School Holiday: eXplorerkid Indoor Playground
Not just your usual indoor playground, here's why you need to bring your kids eXplorerkid this school holiday!
Funky Home Experiments That Will Make Your Child Fall in Love With Science
Inspire your kids to learn more about Science with these fun experiments! All in the comforts of your home.
How To Raise A Child Who Loves Nature
Children who spend substantial amounts of time in nature from early in their life are generally more motivated to be outdoors as they grow older.
Why Mixed-Age Play Is Good For Your Kids
At school, children are grouped according to their age. What can you do to encourage more opportunities for mixed-age play?
Choosing The Right Toys
With so many toys available in the market, what kind of toys should you look out for? Here are tips to help you pick the right toy for your child.