This section is a collection of articles on Pre-School.
Teaching Children the Art of Gratitude
Being grateful is a beneficial virtue that moulds a humble child. The art of appreciating things would let your child see beyond his excellence.
Teaching Basic Table Manners for Kids
Table etiquettes are important for children to eat with discipline. Here are some tips for you in teaching table manners for your children during mealtime.
Recognizing Your Child’s Strength: Eight Multiple Intelligences
At present, an intelligent child is not solely that one who excels in the academics but rather more intelligence beyond the traditional intelligence quotients.
Choosing Milk For Your Baby
Weaning off breastmilk means the need to search for an alternative toddler’s milk source, amongst the huge variety of milk available in the market. Here are 6 important tips for you.
A Preschool Teacher’s Sharing
Ever since I started teaching career, I realized that I have surprises every day from the children. That is the drive that makes me enjoy so much being with them.
A Parent’s Guide To Gifted Children
Parenting gifted children can be just as demanding as parenting a child with other special needs. They can exhaust their parents and make them feel inadequate and even helpless.
5 Recommended Iphone Apps for Children
Technology is no doubt a part of us and you find yourself struggling to or not to let technology be part of your children's lives. Fret not!
Top 5 Places for Outdoor Learning in Singapore
There are so much for children to explore in our natural environment. Here are some places you can go with your children to allow them to interact with and appreciate our natural environment.
Battling The Threats of Child Malnutrition
The downside of easily-available instant foods is that they have no ability to provide us, especially the children, with the nutrition which our bodies need even though it is cheap.
Understanding Why Children Need to Play
For some parents, they could view play as often unhygienic, dangerous and detrimental to the health of the child as it exposes them to environmental hazards and unpredictable risks.