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Home » Enrichment Centers » Shaws Little League
  • Country: Singapore
  • Zip Code: 399635
  • Listed: June 27, 2012 7:02 am
  • Expires: This ad has expired

Shaws Little League

Shaws Little League is Singapore’s longest-running sports and physical activity programme for young children.

Since 1988, Shaws has been offering full-day and half-day programmes for preschool children (Shaws Preschool). Our expertise and experience in child development, childcare and curriculum combined with input from elite athletes, coaches and international specialists have helped us to develop our sports and physical activity programme, Shaws Little League.

At present, the Shaws Little League programme comprises the following sports – volleyball, tennis, basketball, baseball, rugby, hockey, cricket, soccer, golf and athletics. Sports and physical activity are a great way for young children to develop their gross and fine motor skills, confidence, problem solving skills, teamwork and communication skills. In addition, research shows that physical coordination (ie being able to play sport) actually has a direct correlation with a child’s ability to read and write!

We set up Shaws Little League because we want young children to participate in a range of sports activities, drills and leagues that are fun, safe and educational. And of course, we wouldn’t run our programmes if they weren’t beneficial for your child.

Shaws Little League GolfShaws Little League VolleyballShaws Little League Tennis

So whether you want your child to be the next big thing, develop a healthy lifestyle, film your very own amazing children series or just want them to make more friends, Shaws Little League is the place for you.

