Anticipating the arrival of your baby is exciting. You must be busy doing up the nursery before delivery as feeding and changing diapers will take over after that.

nursery room

Here are some basic tips to take note when doing up a nursery:

Tip 1 – What are the essential furniture you will need. Go for the most basic ones first. The basic ones mainly consist of the followings:

  • baby cot
  • armchair for you to breast feed – choose a practical one that can last you for a while. As your baby grows, you can still use it in your living room for story telling
  • a changing mat for changing – a nappy-changing table might be impractical as you can only use it for one year. Find a table whereby its big enough and able to takes the strains and you can still use it after baby has outgrown it
  • storage of diapers, baby powder, lotions etc. – keep them within reach from the changing area
  • storage for clothes
  • lamp – so that you can on it when you change and feed the baby in the middle of the night
  • storage for toys and books – have extra storage place ready as their toys grow over time
  • waste basket

Tip 2 – After having the basic items in place, these are some additional items that you might consider:

  • a mobile with music to put over the cot
  • baby monitor
  • play mat for the baby
  • CD player which you can play soothing music to the baby during bedtime

Tip 3 – Use soothing colours

Tip 4 – It’s easier for you to decorate if you have a theme in mind. It can be some cartoon characters or a theme inspired by a nursery rhyme etc.

Tip 5 – Flip through books and magazines for some inspiration for an interesting theme which you could use to do up the nursery.

Tip 6 – Do not go for too expensive decorating material so that your child could change the theme when they grow older. For instance, you could use wall paper and wall stickers instead of using an artistic paint-up.

Tip 7 – Keep practicality in mind. As your child grows, you will need to replace the kid’s furniture to a bed, a computer table etc.

Do you do up a nursery as well? Love to hear how you did it.

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