The famous terrible twos stage beckons! Whether it is true for your child, fret not. From temper tantrums to weaning off breastmilk to most commonly asked question ‘When will they learn how their ABCs?’, discover more about baby as they progress from infancy to toddler in this section.
Raising Effectively Bilingual Pre-school Kids: Tips From An Expert
Teaching children to learn and love their mother tongues needs to start even before formal schooling begins. Here are tips on how to raise a bilingual child.
How To Develop Your Child’s Right-Brain
What is left or right brain all about? What can parents do to nurture and develop the right-brain? Our expert shares more.
The Secret To Help Toddlers Learn Better
When a Primary Caregiver was attached to an infant or toddler during school time, children were found to be happier and settled into childcare more quickly.
What Parents Need To Know About What Makes A Good Infant Care Centre
What does a quality infant care centre look like? An expert shares with us three important things to look out for.
Sunscreens Safe For Kids To Use
Children's skins are delicate and thinner than adults. How do you choose the ideal sunscreen that suit your child's skin?
A Halloween Guide For Parents
New to celebrating Halloween? Don't sweat. Here's a simple Halloween Guide to help you through.
How To Stop Nose Bleeds In Children
The most common cause of nose bleeds in Singapore is allergic rhinitis and nose infections which lead to nose picking and violent sneezing.
Why Your Child Will Love British Council’s New Nursery Programme
Find out how British Council's nursery curriculum can help deepen your child's learning of English through play.
How To Raise A Child Who Loves Drawing
Let's draw! Here's how you can create a conducive environment to allow your child to express their thoughts and ideas through drawings.
How To Keep Your Cool When Your Kid Throws A Tantrum
Frustrated when your child throws a hissy fit in public? Here are ways to handle sudden meltdowns without getting into a fit.