Top 5 Places for Outdoor Learning in Singapore
There are so much for children to explore in our natural environment. Here are some places you can go with your children to allow them to interact with and appreciate our natural environment.
Battling The Threats of Child Malnutrition
The downside of easily-available instant foods is that they have no ability to provide us, especially the children, with the nutrition which our bodies need even though it is cheap.
Understanding Why Children Need to Play
For some parents, they could view play as often unhygienic, dangerous and detrimental to the health of the child as it exposes them to environmental hazards and unpredictable risks.
4 Things To Teach Your Child To Protect Them From Abuse
Our children deserve a childhood that is free from abuse and they have the right to have their physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs met.
What Parents Should Know About Childhood Food Allergies
Parents should be aware that there was a significant increase in the incidence of allergies among children for the last two decades.
Sharing Your Child’s Sadness
As your child grows and become more aware of the happenings in the world. Be it terrorist attacks, natural disasters or death of a love one.
Teaching Your Children The Alphabet
How hard it is to teach alphabets to kids if you are not a teacher? Truth is it is not hard. It is just as easy as a pie.
A Guide to Teaching Children Good Behavior
Children learn mainly through imitation. What they see in adults are viewed as good and that means adults should be very careful with their actions and words when dealing with children.
Helping Your Child Master Multiplication Tables
Math is a dreadful word for most learners, starting of with a good understanding of how the multiplication table works is a big help in developing your child’s interest in numbers.
Internet Safety Tips For Kids
According to a survey by Google, children in Singapore as young as eight are coming online to play, learn and socialise. How do you set internet safety for kids?