Miscarriage or stillbirth is a tragic experience for the woman as hopes of motherhood vanish with death. Although the body can heal the wounds of pregnancy miscarriage, the emotions and the mindset may require a longer time to recover. It takes a will to get past distress and plenty of support from people around you to help you to move on. Looking forward to another life ahead is an inspiration.
⇒ Related Read: Why Do Miscarriages Happen?
Here are some useful ways you can adopt in to help you cope with miscarriage:
• Write
Writing is a good way of diverting your pains and sorrows without hurting yourself and others around. Everything unsaid can be contained in the paper. Share your thoughts and feelings by writing them down. In your most sorrowful moment, writing is a refuge. Listen to your heart and put everything you heard into writing.
• Talk
Talk to your friends about how you feel. And take time to cry to pain out. Crying is a way for you to release the burden inside. In pregnancy miscarriage, support from friends is critical.
• Stop self-blame
No one really wanted things to end the wrong way especially you. You may find yourself responsible for your baby’s health but no mother ever wished her child to be ill.
• Go Away
Even the normal individual needs time to be away from the usual setting. Going away can be helpful for you to accept and forget the bad experience. Take some time off away from home and go places where you and your partner can find time to bond together. Unwinding gives you fresh and unique ideas that will help you heal and let go of the past.
• Set Rules
Ask your partner, family members and all people immediately around you to try not to talk about you or the event. Hearing things about what happened will only worsen the pain. Try to engage in wholesome activities with them instead.
• Remember
Find some moments to remember your child as a special part of your life. Remembering will help you in letting go of grief. Let the bad feeling you had melt away with the past.
It is never easy for the expecting mother to accept pregnancy miscarriage. However, with a positive outlook in life, the joy of knowing that there will always be a second chance is helpful in your recovery. Start anew. Never close your chance of becoming a mother.
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