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is deprecated. Use ignore_sticky_posts
instead. in /home/sgmother/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114-
How To Teach A Child To Save Money
There are differing views as to how and when is best to teach kids to save money. It is important to start inculcating this discipline early in life so that it stays with them.
Developing Your Child’s Questioning Skills
At age 4 or 5, the brain already starts to show signs of asking questions. Parents often get tired of all the why questions as children seek reasons for their observations...
7 Commonly Asked Questions on Gender Identity Disorder
Femininity and masculinity is generally instilled in children early on in their pre-school years. Here are 7 commonly asked questions on Gender Identity Disorder.
Lactose Intolerance In Babies
Although it is very uncommon in toddlers, there is a small percentage of babies who are unable to digest lactose. The symptoms are similar to an adult's symptoms.
My Child, A Bully?
Besides doing well academically in school, parents would hope for their children to be socially adept as well. But what happens when parents find out their child is a bully in school?
Helping Your Child Cope With His/Her Pet’s Death
A child’s ability to understand the death of a pet depends on their cognitive & emotional development. Some points to note when dealing with children whose pets have succumbed to the hands of death
Smart Ways To Save Time On Baby Care
The joy of seeing a new life is definitely compensated by baby care that entails time & effort. Sleepless nights & restless moments due to taking care of the baby is not actually necessary
My Child Keeps Telling Lies
My 7 year old child keeps telling lies. I have tried both scolding and giving reasons not to lie but it can't work. What else can I do?
Fostering Healthy Relationships With Children
A healthy relationship is one that is based on love, care, trust and positivity. It pays to start cultivating a healthy relationship in your child’s early years because it promotes a peaceful ambiance at home.
How To Stop Your Young Children From Bickering
One of them snatches the other’s toy & bickering begins. This can escalate to crying, shouting & at times even hitting. So how can you make sure that bickering results in useful learning experiences?