This page is the collection of events, announcements and fun children activities in Singapore which may interest you and your family.
Hairy Maclary And Friends Show
Sing along and do the actions with all the characters. Hairy Maclary and Friends is the perfect family treat for kids 2+ and their families and friends.
Hop and Honk – The Ugly Duckling and The Frog Prince
Prepare to be dazzled and enchanted by two beautiful classic fairytales in one spectacular musical for the WHOLE family.
Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus!
This lively show for children 2 and up is full of fun, feathers, laughter and excitement and features original music and lots of audience participation!
Parents’ Day Open House @ Big Apple Childcare
Parents, you are invited to our centre tour on our Parents Day Open House on September 27. Registration for our full daycare in 2015 is now opened.
Come Alive With The Sound Of Music
With its unforgettable score, The Sound Of Music touches hearts of all ages and contains some of the most memorable songs ever performed on the musical theatre stage!
Allow Your Imagination To Take Flight – Wings Of Time
Complete a fabulous day at Sentosa than to catch a spectacular night show filled with lasers, fireworks and beautiful multimedia at Sentosa's Wings of Time!
June Holiday Special: Immerse In A PLAY-Ful and Meaningful Day At Sentosa
Are you pondering over what your kids can do this June holiday? Check out Storytelling Comes Alive! with PLAYMOBIL at Sentosa. There were be countless of fun and interactive activities for you and your child.
Children Performances You Can’t Miss This June Holidays
Get your child off the iPad or television! Here are 4 ticketed performances your child will be more than happy to attend.
16 Museums To Visit In Singapore
Want to find out more about Singapore's rich and diverse culture? Check out the museums featured here.
CROSSCOOP Bento Making Workshop
The New Age Parents was invited to CROSSCOOP SINGAPORE Bento Making Workshop for Father and Child. Check out how Dad and child make cute BENTO together.