The famous terrible twos stage beckons! Whether it is true for your child, fret not. From temper tantrums to weaning off breastmilk to most commonly asked question ‘When will they learn how their ABCs?’, discover more about baby as they progress from infancy to toddler in this section.
What Are The Treatments And Vaccinations For Meningitis?
Do you know early meningitis symptoms may mimic the flu (influenza)? What are the current treatments and vaccinations available?
Infant Swimming Lessons In Singapore: Little Splashes Swim School
Are there infant swimming lessons available in Singapore? Take a dip with the swimming experts at Little Splashes Swim School.
10 Things About Your Child’s Spine
How much do you know about your child's spine? Dr Kelvin Ng points out 10 important facts parents should know about their child's spine.
What Is The Most Common Childhood Disease?
In Singapore, a quarter of all 3-year-old children are affected by this disease. And the number rises to half of all children aged 6.
Heguru Education Special Part 4: How Much My Daughters’ Have Progressed
After attending the Heguru programme at Heguru Education Centre at One KM for six months, Michelle Hon saw how both her daughters have progressed tremendously.
Tips To Prepare For A Child’s Hospital Stay
A hospital stay with your loved ones can be unsettling and often traumatic. Here's a list of items you'll need if you ever have to stay overnight in a hospital with your child.
10 Simple Acts of Love To Show Your Kids
When it comes to showing our love to our children, it's not always about big gestures or lavish gifts. The smallest of things can make our children feel deeply loved and special.
How To Build Strong Language And Communication Skills: 3 Strategies From The Expert
Early language and communication skills contribute greatly to children's success in school as well as their ability to develop social relationships.
Does My Child Have Lazy Eye?
Lazy eye, or amblyopia as it is medically referred to, is a common childhood condition that occurs when one eye's vision does not develop normally.
How To Tame Your Kid’s Temper Tantrum
We've all been there or seen it far too often. Caught in a temper tantrum situation? Here are eight strategies to try.