Simple Hands-On Activities To Teach Children About Money
Financial responsibility is something parents can pass on to their kids. Here are some activities and practices you may want to consider to teach your children.
How Do You Know If Your Child Is Not Developing Normally: Fine Motor Skill Impairment
An infant or child up to age five who is not developing new fine motor skills for that age may have a developmental disability. What are some of the symptoms?
Understanding Your Child’s Fine Motor Development
As much as gross motor skills are easily identified in a developing child, fine motor development is of huge importance and should be given equal attention.
My Child’s Severe Allergic Reaction: A Mother’s Experience
All it takes is a bite and the effects can be fatal. A mother shares her story of her son's severe allergic reaction when he was just a toddler.
10 Reasons Why Play Is Not A Waste Of Time
Is it a waste of time when children are left to play on their own? Here are 10 reasons to help you see unstructured, free play in a new light.
Do Children Need To Take Multi-Vitamin Supplements?
Multivitamins can be given anytime of the day. However, certain vitamins are better given with some foods to aid in their absorption.
Generation Me: Are We Raising A Narcissist Generation?
Are we living a 'Me, Myself and I' culture and raising a generation of narcissists? Let's explore.
Educational Magazines And Comics For Children
An original series which conforms with Singapore’s PSLE science syllabus, Science Adventures features 100 fascinating science stories with 10 full coloured issues a year.
Top 10 Brain Boosters For Children
Our children's brain needs nutrients to grow and develop. But what sort of food does it exactly need? Let’s get brainy with some food.
Academic Success At What Cost – Part II
Instead of focusing only on the academics, there is a need for children to be exposed to sports and play too. Why is this so?