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The New PSLE Scoring System…And What It Really Means
On 13 July, the Ministry of Education (MOE) finally revealed what the new PSLE scoring system looks like. Here are 3 takeaways for parents.
Primary School Maths Essentials
Here are some basic per-numeracy skills that are necessary for providing a good starting point.
6 Ways To Help Young Children Learn Math At Home
Math is an important element in our life. However, many children struggle with it these days. Help your child develop the interest and skills to excel in Math!
Tips For Falling In Love With Mandarin
Having trouble getting your child to converse in Mandarin? How can parents help children fall in love with mandarin?
Helping Children Excel In English
English is a complex language. As your child enters Primary 1, their vocabulary will gradually expand. How can parents support their language development?
How To Use Bar Modelling To Solve Problem Sums
Do you have trouble teaching your child the bar modelling method? Here are 5 easy video tutorials from Seriously Addictive Maths to help you.
The Right To Write – Creative Writing for Children
Writing is one of the basic and one of the most important things a person should learn in life. However, writing is very much different from creative writing.
It’s Not All About Academic Results
Singapore has some of the best schools in the world, yet parents continue to pile on hours of tuition, usually under the belief that more is better or simply because others are doing it.
Doing Homework With Young Children
Parents usually lose their patience when working with small children. Doing kids' homework may cause a parent to flare up & give up. Here are a few steps you can do...
Tips for Oral Examination Preparations
Many parents think that oral examinations are a breeze. After all, their children are literate and talk everyday, don’t they? However, there are certain pitfalls to look out for