Learning and Behaviour
Quick-and-Easy Activities to Engage Your Children at Home
Here are some quick-and-easy to prepare activities that can engage children for a bulk of time and help make life a little more manageable at home.
How To Help Your Toddler Overcome Their Fear Of The Dark?
Learn why your child may have trouble sleeping every night! It may be more than a sleep problem. Learn how to help your toddler overcome their fear of the dark?
10 Preparations to Make When Moving Home With Kids
To better prepare yourself and your kids for the upcoming home move, we've listed a couple of things that you should do before your moving day.
How To Choose the Right Preschool For Your Child and What To Expect To Pay
Are you a new parent thinking about how best to educate the next Mozart, Picasso, or Einstein? Learn how to pick the right preschool and its cost to jump-start your next family adventure.
Free Printable to Teach Your Child Financial Literacy from as Young as Three!
The Institute for Financial Literacy created MoneySense for Your Child to teach parents the importance of inculcating good financial habits in children from young.
From STEM to STEAM: The Evolution of 21st Century Skills
This new movement from STEM to STEAM refers to the inclusion of the Arts into STEM, a field that encourages learners to think more broadly about the world.
How To Get Kids To Help Out At Home
Getting your child to help with the housework is a wonderful way to introduce them to a sense of responsibility and to challenge them to learn new life skills.
Sparkanauts – Helping Your Child Develop Holistically Through Purposeful Play
Sparkanauts, a play and learn specialist aims to develop your child holistically through purposeful play via its brain development enrichment classes.
How To Handle An Energetic Child
Your child seems to have boundless energy, running around and always more difficult to control? Here are the top 10 tips that you can try to do to guide your energetic child!
Give Your Child the 3 Greatest Power-ups They Need at NTUC First Campus’ My First Skool!
Give your child a fantastic head start in life by enrolling them in a pre-school with all the "power-ups" they need to accelerate their progress in every way.