Separation Anxiety Disorder In Young Children
Does your child cry and cling to you when you drop him off at school? It seems like your child is going through a phase known as separation anxiety.
PARENTS: Teaching Positive Values To Children
We would like to share a simple but useful 'PARENTS' tip that will provide you with examples on how you can go about being intentional in teaching positive values to your little ones.
Tips For Parents When Your Child Is Lost
Children are curious by nature. And sometimes this can separate them away from mummy and daddy. Losing sight of your boy or girl can be scary and alarming.
Developing Moral Values In Kids: Where Do We Even Begin?
If you want your child to grow up with positive values that will shape their character for their future, intentional effort on your part is required too.
Investing In Your Family Life: 7 Simple Ideas
In a society where change seems to be the only constant, and nothing seems to be immune from disaster, our wisest investment could prove to be in the area of family.
Choosing Safe Teething Toys For Your Teething Baby
In this article, we will try to explain what goes on when babies cut teeth, and how parents can choose the best teether to help safely alleviate some of their babies' discomfort.
Protecting Our Children From Online Dangers
When children go online, they tend to click freely, unaware of the potential dangers of pop-ups that flash “play fun online games for free” as they like.
4 Tips to React to Your Child’s Puppy Love
One of my memorable moments from my teaching days would be that of a parent getting flabbergasted over her son's first crush. "But teacher! He's only five, how can he even think like that?!"
Goat vs Cow’s Milk – Which Is Better
There has been much debate between cow's and goat's milk. Which is better? What does goat's milk has that cow's milk does not, and vice versa?
Parents’ Challenges Of Raising A Child With Autism
Financial difficulties, managing workload and supporting ageing parents. These are some common woes of a typical local household. But what about families supporting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder?