Nurturing Critical Thinkers and Creative Achievers for School and the Future
More than 80,000 students have benefited from their programme. What makes Morris Allen English not just another English enrichment centre?
Free And Fun English Activities For Kids
Here are English activity ideas you can do at home, or outdoors with your kids. The best part? Most of the items you probably already have in your home.
How This Whole Brain Programme Teaches Kids to Use Mental Arithmetic to Check Math Homework
Did you know when a child does a mental calculation, many interchanges between the left and right side of the brain are happening simultaneously?
How to Empower Children to Take Charge of Their Own Learning
Instead of nagging at your kid or signing them up for another tuition, why not find ways to empower them to be the master of their own learning journey?
Why Saying ‘Be Careful’ May Do More Harm Than Good
The irony is that limiting our children's exposure to risk and constantly trying to keep them safe from falling can impede their physical development.
Why I Want My Kids To Get Dirty
When children play, they get dirty and messy. It is part of their learning process. I always tell parents, "We should worry only about the dirt we can't see."
Stimulate Your Child’s Brain With These Easy-To-Do Exercises
Exercise can reduce stress as it releases ‘feel-good’ hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. Otherwise, it can impair a child’s brain development.
Educational And Entertaining YouTube Channels For Kids
It's important to help your child select good and safe content for viewing. Here are YouTube channels that are kid-friendly and educational.
Helping Children Cope With Death
Experiencing the death of a loved one is never easy. Here are steps on how we can help children process the pain of loss.
British Council Launches Online Series To Help Children Learn English
The British Council and Academy Award® winning studio Aardman are launching a new and distinctive educational online series for early years English language learners.