How This Curriculum Prepares Your Child For The Future (And Not Just Primary 1!)
Learning is not confined within the walls of the classroom, and it is not fixed in worksheets. Find out how this curriculum prepares your child for the future.
Why Boredom May Be Good For Your Child
When your child says to you "I'm bored", what do you do? Is that statement often met with an offer to use your phone? Here's why boredom may not be a bad thing.
The New Age Parents E-guide Apr/May 2017
Introducing our latest e-guide for mothers with preschoolers! In our School issue, we zoom in on preparing your child for Primary One.
Helping Your Child Manage Disagreements
How do we teach our children to know when and how to stand up for themselves in an appropriately assertive manner?
Managing An Angry Child: Dos and Don’ts
Anger may not be a bad emotion. Your job is not to repress your child's anger, but to help them process those feelings and channel them towards constructive ends.
How To Raise A Money-Smart Child Series: Part 1
As a young mother of two, Jovin Tan, a Wealth Management Advisor, shares her insights on how we can influence our children to be financially smart.
Raising A Confident Child
Studies have shown that a child who lacks confidence will be reluctant to try something new out of fear of failing. How can we raise a confident child?
How Storytelling Can Help Your Child To Be Successful
There is no formal subject in school about the art of storytelling. Yet, this could be the single most important skill for children to thrive in today’s world.
How Early Math Exposure Can Help Your Child Succeed
Want to predict your child's success as they grow older? Your child's math skills will be the best gauge.
Ministry of Education Kindergartens
What makes Ministry of Education kindergartens different from your other schools? We highlight their key curriculum programmes.