Nothing can truly prepare you for parenthood. But it helps to be equipped with useful tips and information from experts and other fellow parents. Navigate our articles in this section to get a clearer picture of your parenting journey ahead.
The New Age Parents Health Experts
The New Age Parents is proud to introduce our panel of experts from SBCC Baby and Child Clinic, Thomson Paediatric Centre and SBCC Women’s Clinic.
Kitchen Projects For Kids
With the weather so erratic these days, it’s getting harder to bring young kids out for some fun in the sun. Here are three fun and energy-saving projects you can do with your toddler in the comfort of your own home.
It’s Not All About Academic Results
Singapore has some of the best schools in the world, yet parents continue to pile on hours of tuition, usually under the belief that more is better or simply because others are doing it.
Child Misbehaviour 101
Most of us struggle, at times, to be certain what parenting techniques to use, when to stay calm and patient throughout the disciplining process and whether our reaction to our children was justified.
How Do I Know My Child Is Learning When I Read To Her?
In this Ask The Expert section, we asked Esther Lim, CEO and founder of LEAP SchoolHouse, about language and literacy development in children.
Congenital Heart Disease: Hole In The Heart
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the term used for any abnormality of the heart due to faulty development before birth. A hole in the heart is a type of simple CHD that changes the normal flow of blood through the heart.
Teaching English Language During Outdoor Activities
Teaching language does not have to be bounded by the classroom walls. You can do it every day with your child, even when you are out!
Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy
Do you have vaginal discharge with a mild smell? Is your discharge thicker? Dr Claudine Tan answers some of the frequently asked questions on vaginal discharge during pregnancy.
Mother’s Day Special: Exclusive Interview with Esther Lim
This Mother’s Day, we spoke to Esther Lim. A mother of three children, she shares with us about her journey through motherhood, what influenced her parenting style and how she juggles her work and family.
Art Activity For Children: You’ve Got Mail!
Children love Art, there's simply no doubt about it! In Art, there should not be a model picture or sculpture which they should follow step by step.