Infant Care
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Top 3 Baby Care Questions Answered By Dr Wong Boh Boi, ParentCraft Expert
For first-time parents, it may seem awkward to hold and care for a newborn. How can parents be more confident? Dr Wong Boh Boi answers our top 3 baby care questions.
Top 5 Breastfeeding Questions Answered By Dr Wong Boh Boi, ParentCraft Expert
To help first-time parents gain confidence in their breastfeeding journey, we asked Dr Wong Boh Boi for guidance. Here are our top 5 questions for Dr Wong.
How Can I Get Baby To Nap Better
How can we make afternoon naps work, both at home and at the childcare centre? We asked an expert to help us address common nap problems in babies and toddlers.
Feeding Milk To Baby: Baby Feeding Basics
Whether you decide to choose breastfeeding, formula feeding, or a combination of both, we've got it covered. Here are baby feeding basics to get you started.
Common Feeding Problems In Infants
Is your infant experiencing any common feeding problems? From reflux and colic to allergies and rash, here are common feeding problems to watch out for.
How To Bathe A Newborn
It can be rather challenging to bathe a newborn for the first time. Need a hand? Here's a step-by-step guide from a doctor, on how to bathe your baby.
Common Rashes In Children And How To Manage Them
If you're noticing red spots creeping up on your child's skin, don't panic. Here's an expert advice on how to manage common childhood rashes.
Gas and Fussiness In Babies: Signs and Soothing Techniques
Did you know babies can pass up to 13 to 21 times every day! Have a gassy baby? Here are tips and tricks to soothe and comfort them.
How To Stop Baby’s Leaky Diapers For A More Peaceful Sleep
Is your baby's diaper always leaking at night? Here are quick tips to help you stop them so that you and baby can sleep as soundly as possible!
What Parents Need To Know About What Makes A Good Infant Care Centre
What does a quality infant care centre look like? An expert shares with us three important things to look out for.