What’s New
This section is a collection of articles on upcoming Events, Open House, Holiday Programmes, Sales & Promotions, Reviews, News & Announcements.
NTUC First Campus Unveils $500,000 “Bright Horizons Fund Care Package for COVID-19”
More than 20,000 children will benefit from the extension of partial fee offset provided by NTUC First Campus’ pre-schools for the extended Circuit Breaker period in May.
Crestar Learning Centre Virtual Holiday Programmes
Their virtual classrooms are now open with a series of short thematic holiday programmes! ArtMazing + Math Jumpers + Oratorical Chinese. Find out more!
#LetsBuildTogether with LEGO
With LEGO's #LetsBuildTogether, look forward to daily build challenges and fun LEGO lessons that will definitely keep you and your child entertained.
Transforming Our Lives Through e-learning This May Holiday Camps!
Lorna Whiston Holiday Camps - Online virtual camps from 11 to 29 May 2020 for children age 3 to 14 years old. Early bird and group discounts available.
Fly Our National Flag To Show Solidarity During COVID-19
All organisations and households may display the National Flag at their offices, building premises, and residential premises until the end of the National Day celebrations.
Let’s Sing Together from Our Homes, Singapore! #SGUnited
Join the nationwide singalong to 'Home' by Dick Lee this Saturday, 25 April at 7.55pm as we show appreciation to our frontline workers and migrant workers.
PhillipCapital: How to Protect Our Loved Ones During A Crisis
Be better prepared for future crises to protect your loved ones. Reach out to PhillipCapital, a broker for over 35 insurance partners and find a plan suited to your needs.
World Book Day Sale – Organised by Singapore Book Publishers Association
The Singapore Book Publishers Association (SBPA) is celebrating UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day 2020 with a book sale promotion.
MOE School Holidays 2020 Singapore
The school year for 2020 for all MOE primary and secondary schools will start on Thursday, 2 January 2020 and end on Friday, 20 November 2020.
McDo-It-Yourself: Recreate Your Favourite McDonalds Meals From Home
McDo-It-Yourself: Recreate your favourite McDonalds meals from home - it's healthier too!