The famous terrible twos stage beckons! Whether it is true for your child, fret not. From temper tantrums to weaning off breastmilk to most commonly asked question ‘When will they learn how their ABCs?’, discover more about baby as they progress from infancy to toddler in this section.
Social Development In Toddlers: One To Three Year Olds
While development milestones are not to be taken rigidly, it is helpful to be aware of them. Here are social development milestones in one to three-year-olds.
How Can I Get Baby To Nap Better
How can we make afternoon naps work, both at home and at the childcare centre? We asked an expert to help us address common nap problems in babies and toddlers.
When A Child With Special Needs Has A Public Meltdown: What To Do
When a child with special needs has a meltdown in public, what do you do? Stand and look? Or offer a helping hand? A special needs educator offers tips and advice.
Life-Threatening Conditions In Babies And Children
Recognising serious accidents or conditions in babies and young children can be tough. We asked a doctor how to recognise signs of life-threatening conditions.
Creative Ways To Record Your Baby’s Milestones
Want to keep your baby's milestones and memories? Check out these unique and creative ways to record your baby's milestones.
Never A Dull Moment In Class: A Day At Modern Montessori International Preschool
Besides the unique Montessori Curriculum, Modern Montessori International Preschool also has value-added signature programmes. Here's what happens at a MMI centre.
Carpe Diem Starlets Sparkle: Where Learning Is Designed To Suit Your Child’s Learning Style
We paid a visit to Carpe Diem Starlets Sparkle and find out how the preschool adopts the Multiple Intelligence Theory to cater to each child's learning style.
Natural Alternatives For Treating Allergies
Tried all sorts of medicine for your child's allergy and it doesn't seem to work? Here are a few natural alternatives to conventional medicine for allergies.
TCM For Children: Misconceptions And Facts
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is gaining popularity among young adults, but did you know that children as young as 6 months old can also benefit from TCM?
L’il Critters: Gummy Vitamin For Kids
Looking for a supplement for your child that is delicious and nutritious? This kid's gummy vitamin is ranked as America's #1 Gummy multivitamin.