The New Age Parents E-guide Aug/Sep 2017
What does it take for children to survive and thrive in the future landscape? Learn more in our Education issue.
How To Raise A Child Who Loves To Eat Nutritious Food
How can we encourage our children to eat wholesome nutritious foods? We ask a nutrition expert for tips.
Teaching Our Children To Do Good
How can we teach our children to go beyond themselves? To groom children to be capable individuals, it is equally crucial for them to be shaped by good values.
Books That Help Children Understand Themselves Better
What books can help children gain a better understanding of themselves? Here are book recommendations from an expert.
How To Protect Your Family From Dengue
Dengue is an unpredictable disease. Here are tips on how you can protect yourself and those around you from getting dengue.
How To Raise A Child Who Loves School
Mention the word 'school' to child and it will likely elicit a chorus of sighs. Here's how you can help instill a positive attitude towards school for your children.
Yang Language School: Let Your Child’s Mandarin Bloom
Have difficulty in getting your child to learn Chinese? Yang Language School adopts a student-centric approach, where fun, interest and interactivity are valued.
Boosting Your Child’s Immunity With TCM Herbs
How can Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) help to boost your child's immunity?
What To Do When Your Child Fails
Protecting your child from the possibilities and consequences of failure may be depriving them of an important experience. How can you help them cope with failure?
How To Use Flashcards For Toddlers And Kids
Using flashcards not only helps to develop and improve the connection of synapses in your child's developing brain, but it also appeals to various learning styles.