Can I Travel When I’m Pregnant?
Is it advisable for pregnant mothers to travel on a plane? We asked a doctor to answer commonly asked questions about travelling during pregnancy.
Talking To Kids About Sex And Porn
Nothing makes parents more squeamish than thinking about talking to their kids about sex. How will you reply them when that day comes?
Do Children Need To Take Multi-Vitamin Supplements?
Multivitamins can be given anytime of the day. However, certain vitamins are better given with some foods to aid in their absorption.
Are Health Supplements Recommended For Babies?
My 17-month-old girl is a fussy eater and doesn’t take formula milk at all, any health supplements to recommend? Dr Eugene Han from SBCC Baby and Child Clinic shares his insight on this.
Teeth Brushing For Babies And Children
Brushing teeth can be a challenge for parents. When is the right age and how should you introduce teeth brushing to your tots?
My Boy Gets Bored And Distracted When I Read To Him
My 2 year old boy gets very bored and distracted when I try to read to him. Any advice? Esther Lim, CEO and Founder of LEAP SchoolHouse shares some tips on how parents can make reading fun.
How Much Fruits Can A Toddler Take?
How much fruits can an 18-month-old toddler take a day? My 5 year old has G6PD, how do I determine the seriousness? Dr Nancy Tan from SBCC Baby & Child Clinic shares her expertise.
Supplements To Boost Baby’s Immunity
Most babies do not need additional supplements to boost immunity, but if there are specific concerns, parents could consult their paediatrician.
What Can I Do To Make My Child Eat Fish and Vegetables?
My girl refuses to eat fish and vegetables. I am a working mummy and have little time to do creative dishes. What are other alternatives? Dr Goh Siok Ying from SBCC Baby and Child Clinc shares her advice.
My Child Has Difficulty Pronouncing Certain Letters
My 4 year old have pronunciation problems with certain letters. He can't say clearly with the word start with C, K, J, Y, Z. How can I help correct the way he speaks?