Started by three highly experienced teachers, Discovery Edu Cove provides a cozy and conducive environment for your little ones. Newly furbished with two classrooms fully equipped with projector, whiteboard, tables and chairs, there is also a mini library located down the hall.
The New Age Parents sat in for one of the Basic Writing class, conducted by Teacher Estee. The theme of the lesson was “At The Sea Side” and she started the class by asking the children some questions about the sea. It didn’t take long for the K1 children to engage in enthusiastic banter about their experiences at the sea with their families.
“I went to the sea and I, I, I saw a dolphin! And I touched it…” said one of the kids.
“I make some sandcastles at the sea.” said another girl.
After a short discussion, Teacher Estee played a video song “At the Sea Side” on the wall for the kids to see and listen. Next, she proceeded with a short introduction of what they were going to do (write a short poem) and guided them to do a simple mind map. She prompted them by asking questions to what they can see, hear, smell, touch and feel at the seaside. “Has the sea water gone into your mouth before? How does it taste like?” Then, she introduced related vocabulary such as “blue sea”, “yellow sun” and “crashing waves”.
Using familiar experiences that are relevant to a child’s daily life or activity helps to build the foundation of what he or she already know. Providing opportunities such as seeing, singing, classifying, observing, reading and telling stories, interacting and playing, helps to improve children’s literacy abilities skills and development.
Besides coming up with their own teaching materials and curriculum, there are a few other things that caught our eye.
Fitting The Mould To Suit Your Child
With a strong believe that educators should not try to fit their students to their teaching methods, Math Teacher Helen spoke to us about how each child’s learning style will be determined, through a simple Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK) questionnaire. “This will help us have an idea of what sort of learner the child is, and to teach him according to his type of learning style.”
For example, for visual learners, students are given opportunities to draw pictures, models and write notes, while for auditory learners, students are encouraged to read questions aloud and learn through interactive discussions with their peers.
Communication Book
“We know how busy parents are these days. Each student will be given a communication book, which will be updated after each class.” In each book, parents are informed of what was being taught in class and the child’s performance level is also indicated under a checklist – ‘Getting to it’, ‘Met Expectations’ or ‘Exceeded Expectations’.
Meant for Primary 1 to 6 students, this online platform provides students to attempt some questions at home on their own or with their parent’s supervision. Accessible through the Discovery Edu Cove website, the E-learning tutorials features MCQ questions are set by the teachers themselves.
Courses offered:
Writing from Basic (Ages 5 – 6): Children will be introduced to the basics of creative writing. They will learn to develop interesting sentences with expressive, lucid and vivid descriptions.
*NEW Math Olympiad (Ages 5 – 6): Children will get to learn concepts such as fractions and distance through hands-on and meaningful ways.
That’s not all! If you your child is a student with Discovery Edu Cove, he or she will be entitled to a Free Study Group Session! All you have to do is to call them one day in advance to book the study group time slot.
Address: 801 Tampines Ave 4 #01-275 (2nd Floor) Singapore 520801
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