How To Control Myopia In Children And Adults
Singapore has one of the highest prevalence rates globally. About half of school-going children are afflicted with childhood myopia. How can we help to control Myopia in our children?
5 Important Science Skills To Nurture In Every Child
Want your child to ace Science in Primary School? Here are five science skills that should be nurtured in every child.
Science Wise: Gearing Up For Primary School Science
What do you need to know about helping your child learn Science? TNAP asks Wei Yi Lim, Founder of Study Room to find out more.
Homeschool Series Part 6: Useful Homeschooling Tips For New Parents
So you've decided that homeschooling is for you. What next? Here are 10 useful homeschooling tips for new parents.
What Smells? Bad Breath In Children
What are the various causes of bad breath and how can you prevent your kids from having bad breath?
Signs of Low Self-Esteem in Children
"Mummy I can't...I don't know how to do it." Why is it that some children approach and try new things with confidence while others feel that they are incapable?
5 Foods To Avoid Giving Your Child Before Bedtime
Is your child having trouble sleeping? It may be due to what they eat before they sleep. Our expert shares five types of food to avoid giving children before their bedtime.
How Old Is Too Old?
How do you know if your child has outgrown a certain phase? When is the appropriate time to stop certain practices with them?
Homeschool Series Part 5: Resources For Homeschooling Parents
Looking for inspiration and ideas from local homeschooling families? Here is a list of online and offline resources for homeschooling parents.
Nobody Likes Me: Helping Your Child To Make Friends
Making friends comes naturally for some children. But it is not unusual for some children to struggle with making friends. Here are strategies on how to guide your child.