Learning and Behaviour
My Son Can’t Focus When Doing His Work
I started using the reward system, a simple snack or game, if he finishes his work. But he continues to be distracted.
Child Brain Development
The former years of life are very important for getting the brain set up for learning. Many experts believe that the most important years of a child's brain development are those before school age.
Importance of Teaching Phonics For Children
Phonics for children involves teaching how to connect the sounds of spoken English with letters or groups of letters. Children typically start reading with the aid of phonics at the age of 5 or 6 years old.
Positive Discipline vs Punishment For Child’s Behavior
Have you ever thought about the way you manage your child's misbehaviour? Do you use punishment or positive discipline?
Developing Positive Self-Beliefs In Children
Positive self-beliefs spur us to try new things and take up challenges. People with positive self-beliefs are more confident and are able to cope with the demands of life.