The early years can be tumultuous. How do you take care of your new born? What are the signs and symptoms of common childhood illness and how do you know if your baby is developing fine? Here’s what you need to know about taking care of your baby.
Vegetarian Diet For Kids
Is a vegetarian diet recommended for children? What are the benefits and concerns of such a diet? Senior Dietitian Ms Suzanne Khor tells us more.
Your Baby’s First Solid Food
Dr Nancy Tan from SBCC Baby and Child Clinic shares with us some research on the types of food to give to your baby and the recommended age for your baby to be weaned.
Decoding Your Baby’s Poo
In the first few days of life, a newborn's stools/poo is usually greenish-black in colour with a smooth and sticky consistency. Not passing stools within the first 24 hours of life is a concern.
Best Brand Of Formula Milk For Newborns
What brand of formula milk is the best for newborn other than breast milk? Dr Nancy Tan, a paediatrician from SBCC Baby & Child Clinic shares her insight on this.
My Baby Seldom Farts
My 3 months old baby seldom farted this few week and she had colic. She also doesn’t poo everyday. What should I do to let her pass out more gas? Dr Nancy Tan from SBCC Baby & Child Clinic answers this.
My Baby Has Sensitve Skin
My 15-month-old son has very sensitive skin and tends to have rashes at the back and lower back area when he's sweaty. I usually use Fucicort which was prescribed by a PD. Any side effects to it if used in the long term?
Best Public Nursing Rooms In Singapore Part I
In the recent years, there are friendlier nursing rooms built within the shopping malls to cater to the parents’ needs. Here are some of the best public nursing rooms located at the different shopping malls in Singapore.
Baby Massage And Tui Na
We spoke to Doris Seau, an educator in prenatal and postnatal care. Passionate and keen to share her knowledge with others, Doris shared about the benefits of baby massage and Tui Na.
Taking Baby Steps With Baby Teeth: A Child’s First Dental Visit
As a dentist, I am often beset with worried parents, concerned about their children's teeth. They often ask why the teeth came out so large or small in size, why they are so crooked…
Are Hiccups Common In Babies?
Are hiccups common in babies? My girl is 18 months old and she's having hiccups every day, usually when she's tired. Dr Wong Chin Khoon from SBCC Baby & Child Clinic answers this.