The early years can be tumultuous. How do you take care of your new born? What are the signs and symptoms of common childhood illness and how do you know if your baby is developing fine? Here’s what you need to know about taking care of your baby.
Are Health Supplements Recommended For Babies?
My 17-month-old girl is a fussy eater and doesn’t take formula milk at all, any health supplements to recommend? Dr Eugene Han from SBCC Baby and Child Clinic shares his insight on this.
4 Tips For Bringing Baby Out During Chinese New Year
If this is your first time celebrating the Chinese New Year with a baby, here are a few suggestions to chase your fears away and get your Chinese New Year off to a happy start!
Crib-Sleeping vs Co-Sleeping: Which is Better?
What are the pros and cons of co-sleeping and crib-sleeping? Which one suits your baby? Whatever you decide, make sure that you make an informed decision based on evidence.
Grace Under Pressure: Handling Unwanted Opinions
People will always have an opinion. Some will share their thoughts aloud while others will be more opinionated. So what's a new mummy supposed to do with all this feedback?
Language Development In Multiple Births
There have been many studies that have investigated the risk factors associated with language delay in multiple births. Here are some possible risks factors suggested by various research.
Hello New Baby! Welcoming Your New Baby To Your Child
If your first child is still relatively young, you may be especially concerned about how to help him or her understand that a baby is coming.
Supplements To Boost Baby’s Immunity
Most babies do not need additional supplements to boost immunity, but if there are specific concerns, parents could consult their paediatrician.
Are You Ready For Child Number Two?
Thinking of having another baby! Many questions will be going through your mind as you decide for a second child. Dr Claudine Tan answers some of these questions.
Planning Your Baby’s First Party
Your baby's first birthday is coming! What to do and where do you start? Here is a simple go-to guide you can refer to if you are shopping for ideas and don’t know where to start.
Simple Massages For Your Baby
Infant massage has been practiced in many cultures, with various historical accounts from ancient civilizations beyond 2000 years ago. The benefits of systematic tactile stimulation include helping the baby to relax.