In a hot country like Singapore, it’s common to get dry skin from the sun. With a whole slew of moisturizing products out there, we are all spoilt for choice.
Smooth It Out
Developed and made in USA, you wouldn’t miss its trademark black-and-white cow-spots packaging. World renowned TV Talk show host Oprah Winfrey once dubbed this moisturizer as her favourite “health and beauty aid”.
So what makes Udderly Smooth® stand out from the rest of the moisturizers?
Moo-ve Over Oily And Greasy Creams
Packed with moisture and allantoin (an odourless, safe and non-toxic chemical compound naturally produced by organisms) it leaves your skin feeling soft, supple and smooth. We tried on the cream and the first thing we noticed was how absorbent it is. What we love is how this water-based moisturizer doesn’t leave your skin feeling oily and greasy. No more greasy after-feel and the need to wash your hands after applying!
Udder-standably Smooth: A Multi-Purpose Moisturizer for The Entire Family
For Breastfeeding Mummies and Homemakers
Are your nipples sore (or cracked) from all the breastfeeding? Apply some of the Udder Cream cream after feeding and let the cream do the healing, this cream is non-toxic and safe for babies. For hardworking homemakers out there with rugged and dry hands from all the cleaning and washing, you still can have smooth and callous-free hands. Apply some everyday to prevent wrinkly skin.
For Babies and Children
Does your baby have sensitive skin and prone to diaper rash? The rich moisturizing ingredients in Udderly Smooth® helps to soothe eczema symptoms and skin flare-ups, and is udderly safe for babies.
Who Says Moisturizers Are Only For The Ladies?
“We target the product to women, but men like it too because its fragrance-free,” Bill Kennedy Jr. says, founder of Udderly Smooth.( Daddies can also use this as a shaving cream to prevent nicks, or as an aftershave to soothe razor bumps and highly recommended for a smooth bald head shave. For daddies (or mummies) who travel a lot especially to countries with dry or cold weather, this cream will come in handy to combat the cold and prevent dry and chapped skin.
For The Young And Old…And Anyone In Between
Range of Udderly Smooth® products:
• Udderly Smooth® Udder Cream: Rich moisture therapy for the young and old with dry elbows, chapped hands & cracked heels. This water-based cream out-performs other regular moisturizers in the absorption rate and moisturizing power. Now also available in a convenient tube for handy travel; even soothes holiday sunburns and windburns.
• Udderly Smooth® Hands & Body Lotion: For daily moisturizing, leave a bottle on the bathroom vanity top (for the whole family) or office table (to share with colleagues) to replenish lost moisture from air-conditioning anytime, anywhere. With added Aloe Vera Gel, Vitamin E and a fresh beach fragrance. Absorbs easily, zero stains.
• Udderly Smooth® Chamois / Anti-chafing Cream: For those with an active lifestyle, athletes and sportsmen, apply as a barrier from friction against watches, sports equipment, clothings, shoes to prevent chafing discomfort during long rides, swims & runs without staining your clothes so you only feel a good pain.
• Udderly Smooth® Extra Care Cream with 10% Urea: For those with more serious skin conditions. Developed for patients by medical professionals, suitable for oncology care such as cancer patients who suffer from skin side effects attributed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Suitable for diabetic care: Diabetics can apply this to their daily skincare regimen in order to prevent permanent skin disorders.
The above items are sold at Guardian Health & Beauty stores or available for online purchase.
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