The most rewarding moment for a woman is to anticipate the coming of a baby. Having a baby is no more than shaping the gift of motherhood into every woman’s heart. Infertility becomes a problem for both the man and the woman who dreams of building a family to make their lives more meaningful.

pre-natal fertility

It is but important for couples to be able to identify which fertility concepts are factual and which are not. This way, anybody who needs help getting pregnant or having a baby could be guided accordingly.

Fertility Facts:

▪ Infertility is not a product of thought. Unproductiveness is an abnormality in the reproductive system and not just a condition caused by the mindset. You can never be fertile just because you begin thinking that you are.

Am I Fertile Enough To Have A Baby

▪ Healthy living does not cure infertility. Good health doesn’t cure infertility. Unhealthy habits like smoking and alcoholism harm the fertility of a person but the majority of infertility causes are not due to the kind of your lifestyle.

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▪ Stress does not cause infertility. Most couples who seek help to have a baby are advised to relax and have some meaningful vacations. In reality, relaxing and getting out of stress does not make anyone fertile.

▪ Infertility is true to both sexes. Both men and women can be subject to barrenness.

▪ Fertility declines with age. As you grow older, your chances of getting pregnant will be narrowed.

Fertility Myths

• Infertility begins at 35

This is not true since fertility does not suddenly stop at this age. A woman can have the greatest chances of conceiving during her twenties but that doesn’t mean there is no more chance of being fertile from 35 years old and beyond.

• Infertility is a female problem

As what has been discussed, fertility problems do not only affect women but men as well. According to research in Massachusetts, forty per cent of infertility causes are attributed to men, another 40 per cent to women and the last 20 per cent belong to both parties. This means there is an equal chance for both men and women to have reproductive health problems.

• Daily sex helps conception

Daily sexual intercourse may sound great for the couple but does not broaden the chances of conception.

• Birth control pills reduce fertility

Pills have been proven to treat and prevent symptoms of endometriosis, a disease known to cause infertility.

Knowing the difference between fertility facts and myths will prepare the couple for dealing with reproductive health concerns. Seek the help of professionals to deal with your concerns more accurately.

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