Question: My 15-month-old son has very sensitive skin and tends to have rashes at the back and lower back area when he’s sweaty. I usually use Fucicort which was prescribed by a PD. Any side effects to it if used in the long term?

sensitive skin in babies

Answer: Eczema is a common chronic skin disease that is often triggered by heat and sweat. Treatment includes avoiding triggers like soap, frequent baths to reduce heat and sweat, regular moisturisers and intermittent use of anti-inflammmatory medications like steroids. There are 7 strength levels of steroids, and Fucicort is a mid-strength steroid. Adverse effects include skin thinning, and striae formation, and are dependent on the strength of the steroid, duration of application and body area.

Dr Phuah Huan Kee, Paediatrician, Sub-specialty in Neurology, SBCC Baby & Child Clinic, Neurology Centre.

Practice Address
SBCC Baby & Child Clinic, Neurology Centre
3 Mount Elizabeth #12-14
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
Singapore 228510
Tel: 6732 2292/ 6397 6966 (Hotline)

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